Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Let's just stop trying!

My fine fellow bloggers. Now is the time to listen to me as I impart some knowledge to make your life much more happy. I recognized a problem today, and I have a proposed solution. I decided that for this event I will make the longest post in blog history. First, let me walk you through the first hour and a half of my day.

First, I set the alarm on my cell phone last night. Yes, I use my cell phone instead of an alarm clock because I am too cheap to buy an alarm clock [sidebar: I am not actually that cheap, I really don't have a problem wasting money. I mean just last week I spent 20 times the price of a decent alarm clock on an xbox 360 and games I didn't need. Lets say I am priority challenged.] At any rate, my phone rings, I spend 30 seconds finding it and pulling it out from under the bed where it had fallen, then spend another minute setting the alarm to five minutes later so I could pull off a pseudo-snooze.
I finally rolled my ass out of bed, and I still have so much to do to get ready for the day. I put on bib shorts, then a jersey, put on socks, strap on shoes, strap on my helmet, put on gloves, put on knee warmers, pump up my bike tires, find a bike bottle, fill up said bottle, and finally head out for a ride.

After the ride I have to spend equal time to take off all the gear I put on, then take a shower, shave, put on underwear, put on new socks, news shoes, pants, shirt, belt, deodorant, brush teeth, and then, sometime while doing my hair, it hit me. I realized it was all just such a big hassle, I wanted to stop right there, to leave my hair tussled and unfinished. I mean I had already wasted an hour and a half putting stuff on me or pulling it off, its absurd.

Further, its all for naught anyway. I throw a bunch of crap into some eggs (which my son yelled "smells so gross!"), and then toss the combined crap onto a plate. While walking out the door I spilled some of the egg crap onto my shirt. Now I am looking like this guy:

What a waste of time. So I propose something, let's just stop trying! It's time to give up, no more doing hair, brushing teeth, no deodorant. Rally people!!! Let's give up!! It would save us so much time.

I first came up with the idea to just give up when I went to my first NASCAR race about 7 years ago. I thought NASCAR was lame until I went to that race. I fell in love. There is just something so liberating about watching cars ride around with 150,000 other people doing nothing just like you. At that moment I turned to my friend and asked, "when do you think all these people just gave up?"

But look at this guy:

You can see the relief and happiness in his face. We too must take this opportunity to give up. Let's face it, if you are wasting your time reading this, you don't have anything that important to do anyway. Stop wasting time on your hair. Who cares if you stink, people will love you for your pheromones. Stop hiding your ugly, dirty self. Show people the real you.

You will thank me for this.

Garbage, out.


Anonymous said...

Count me in! It is all a big waste. I too had a similar experience when I went to NASCAR or the sand dunes and realized that some people might say these people are weird or trashy or whatever, but they sure seem to be enjoying their beer drinking, huge truck driving, ugly shirt and hat wearing, tons of toys having life.

What do I have to show for my years of education? What I ask you?

Anonymous said...

The longest post ever. Congratulations-- another first on your blog.

Ruth Anne said...

I agree that we need to stop trying, in fact, I went to the ghetto McDonald's today, and everyone had already started.

I mean it was great seeing a dirty 2 year-old wearing pajamas. I loved seeing the snot running down the face of another child as he tried to hit my son.

I bet there was women there that hadn't showered since they had kids. (And when I say they had kids I mean when they got knocked up at 14, 15, 17, 18, and 20.) Obviously if these women are still able to procreate, there is men in the world that want you to stop trying.

I had put on matching clean clothes on all my children. They had clean faces. I had tried to look nice this morning, and we were the outsiders. I want to be a greaser! I want to try to fit it without trying to fit in.

So...if I try to not try, I am trying? What if I try to not try like I am trying, and just end up looking nice?!?!

BTW, I love it when my man shaves a big R on his chest.

Brian Jones said...

Wow. Ruth Anne, that was one of the best comments I've ever read. Well done.

Jinjer said...

Wow, I see the point of not trying and ending the hassle. But I have to be honest in that I am huge on hygiene and happen to be a germophobe (hand sanitizer is my bff) and I might become agorophobic and not leave the house if I had to face smelly, germy, teeth grimed individuals all over the place - not to mention the baristas making my morning latte!

Brian Jones said...

What do you mean 'if'?

Jane said...

While I have to admit I normally do not read the long posts (I use the skim reading tactics-find the best point and comment on it), I did read the longest post in history.

So, I do not think we should stop trying. In fact the other day from the Braun Family Circus, Kim1Champ pointed out this link

Really, a food processor was that important?

Megan said...

I too am making a first today - this is the first time I have ever posted on anyones blog.

Please don't stop trying Joe - I will love you no matter what but I love you more when you smell nice and clean!!

Kim Thomas said...

Yeah, a Megan comment!!!!! This is truly a milestone :)

Anonymous said...

Is there a reason why the photo won't post.... Joe, I'm wanting to read your blog as I enjoy your sisters and want to know and understand more about you. Remember, your Mom and Auntie Em are reading your blog. Love ya, Auntie Em P.S. Uncle G wants you to email him your blog that was removed!!!!

Grant said...

I can really relate with our brother baring #3...